'Kitchen Sink'-Dokumentation von Style: 'Delos' vom Skin: 'ILIAS'
- Purpose
- Mode View Controls enable the switching between different aspects of some data. The different modes are mutually exclusive and can therefore not be activated at once.
- Composition
- Mode View Controls are composed of Buttons switching between active and inactive states.
- Effect
- Clicking on an inactive Button turns this button active and all other inactive. Clicking on an active button has no effect.
- Usage
- Exactly one Button MUST always be active.
- Accessibility
- The HTML container enclosing the buttons of the Mode View Control MUST cary the role-attribute "group".
- The HTML container enclosing the buttons of the Mode View Control MUST set an aria-label describing the element. Eg. "Mode View Control"
- The Buttons of the Mode View Control MUST set an aria-label clearly describing what the button shows if clicked. E.g. "List View", "Month View", ...
- The currently active Button must be labeled by setting aria-checked to "true".
Example 1: Base
/** * Only serving as Example */ function base() { //Loading factories global $DIC; $f = $DIC->ui()->factory(); $renderer = $DIC->ui()->renderer(); //ViewControl element $actions = array( "Using ILIAS" => "", "ILIAS Development" => "", "ILIAS Community" => "" ); $aria_label = "change_the_currently_displayed_mode"; $view_control = $f->viewControl()->mode($actions, $aria_label)->withActive("ILIAS Development"); $html = $renderer->render($view_control); return $html; }
- Parents
- UIComponent
- View Control